© 2018 Atlas Parts, a Division of MTD Products Canada
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The quickest way to find parts for your machine, is by using model number of your machine. Use our Part Finder to find the parts you need!
Can't find your model number? Check out model number guide for more information.
We offer original equipment replacement parts (OEM) for the following brands:
Additionally, you can purchase some replacement parts for the following brands through our SureFit brand (see below for types of parts):
For any other brands, we do sell Universal fit parts & accessories, but not OEM parts.
Our network of over 1,000 service locations across Canada is ready to assist you. Need assistance with a product under warranty? If you have a brand we sell OEM parts for, we can help (please refer to brands above).
Use our service locator below to find the location nearest you.
Refer to our self-help diagnose & troubleshoot information to repair common issues with your equipment. Products within warranty period must be inspected by an Authorized Service Dealer.
Don't see your issue listed on this page? Please contact us with as much information as possible.
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Please select the appropriate type of help you need below. This will let us get you an answer as fast as possible.
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Orders over $50. Some exceptions apply
Still having trouble and can't find the part you need? Send us a message.
We sell parts for some Yardworks gas mowers & trimmers. We do not sell any parts for any electric Yardworks product.
We sell parts for some Craftsman gas lawn mowers, lawn tractors, and snow blowers. If your model number starts with "C459" we can supply parts. If your model starts with "C950", we do sell some replacement parts under our SureFit brand (see below).
Fits Brands:
*Models that start with C950